Research Center Overview

Mission Statement

Based on the philosophy of the scientist Louis Pasteur, our goal is to find solutions to enhance the innate immunity inherent in individuals, and in doing so, increase human resistance to common diseases. To make our goals a reality, we are currently actively engaged in the following activities:

  • Conducting basic and clinical research on how to prevent and treat intractable viral disorders, cancer, and other diseases
  • Investigating brain differentiation, functional expression, and aging as well as measures to prevent their related abnormalities
  • Conducting collaborative research with other research institutions in Japan and abroad
  • Publishing peer-reviewed articles in academic journals

Our History

Period Event
March 1986 Institut Pasteur de Kyoto was established with Tsunataro Kishida as the first president
April 1987 Pasteur Endowment Association was created
November 1988 Institut Pasteur de Kyoto was officially opened
February 1989 Kyoto Pasteur Clinic was opened with Tsunataro Kishida as clinic director
April 1989 Institut Pasteur de Kyoto Bio-Industry Research and Development Society (Bio Society) were formed
November 1989 The building received the first ever "Kyoto City Landscape Award"
February 1992 President of the Institute Tsunataro Kishida discovered Labre bacterium, a plant-derived lactic acid bacteria, in Kyoto pickles
March 1992 The Life Purpose Therapy Research Group meeting commenced and was held monthly in Kyoto until 2010
September 1993 Kyoto Pasteur Clinic started offering IFNANK therapy (until 2008)
April 1995 Setsuya Fujita was appointed as head of research
September 1995 Observed the 100th memorial of French researcher Louis Pasteur and planted a Greek Hippocrates tree
March 1996 Renamed Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research with permission from the Paris Institute Pasteur
April 2000 The Center collaborated with Professor Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, to do advance research on HIV and AIDS
April 2000 Created an HIV / AIDS bilingual glossary as well as a bilingual collection with instructions on the proper way to take HIV medication
November 2002 Provided assistance to host the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb photo exhibition in Tehran, Iran
August 2005 Signed a comprehensive agreement with Doshisha University that includes research, medical, human resource and information exchange
January 2006 Started offering remote diagnosis services within Kyoto Prefecture
September 2006 The first president Tsunataro Kishida passed away
March 2007 Tsutao Katayama was appointed president
April 2008 The Kyoto Pasteur Clinic became an independent organization and was renamed Hyakumanben Clinic
October 2008 The Molecular Immunology Research Institute was created in the Molecular Immunology Research Department (closed in 2020)
August 2011 Yoshiaki Watanabe was appointed president
September 2011 As a member of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the center provided support on radiation exposure management for residents in Fukushima between 2011 and 2015
April 2014 The center was registered as a public interest incorporated foundation
May 2014 A public debate called "Joy and Fun, Enjoy Old Age" was held to celebrate the center becoming a public interest incorporated foundation
April 2015 Collaborated on the Health and Anxiety Countermeasures Project funded by the Ministry of Environment and the Fukushima Prefecture Radiation Health Management Organization
June 2015 Toshikazu Yoshikawa was appointed President
August 2018 Recognized by Kumamoto City for supporting reconstruction activities in the wake of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
April 2020 Commencement of 35th anniversary celebrations
February 2020 Hosted a seminar on safety procedures in biology
March 2021 New laboratory equipped with BSL3 capabilities created
April 2021 Provided research grants for High Purity Hypochlorite Water
March 2024 Published 35th anniversary commemorative magazine
35th anniversary celebration held

Organizational Chart

As of July 2024